This year, Nestlé's national sales convention was very special.
After two years, in which they saw each other's faces a lot, but only on the screen, the feeling, the illusion and even the need to meet face to face was vital.
Therefore, the motto of the convention was very simple and powerful: the desire to see each other.

We were looking for a " familial ", close meeting, where everyone felt a little bit like they were "coming home ". A meeting where there would be quality time to enjoy time with colleagues, to catch up, discover new products, listen and prepare together to face new challenges. With more enthusiasm and energy than ever.
And with these premises, we set out to find "the house"! For 300, in single rooms, for 2 days.
As everything had to be coherent with its commitment to 360º sustainability, we looked for a space that could be accessed by public transport, that was well connected by train from the main Spanish cities, that had recognized certifications in force and many sustainable practices, and that allowed us to do everything in one place, avoiding transfers, reducing emissions and maximizing the comfort of the attendees.
And the Hyatt Regency Tower Hotel in Barcelona was the perfect fit.

We did a buy-out of all the rooms and main halls, common spaces and restaurants all at once... the challenge was to turn it into the "Home" of Nestlé, consuming only their products, for 2 days.
Once the "logistical" part was solved, we got down to work starting with the most important and complex: the content of the convention. What messages we wanted to convey and how we could do it so that they would really reach the audience in a loud and clear way.
To do this, we had a great scriptwriter, Jordi Nexus, who one by one, together with a Project manager from Abile and one from the audiovisual production company, met with each business unit manager, who listened attentively and then created supporting images and an ad hoc script that not only helped them to structure and optimize their speech but also ensured that the messages between business units would not be repeated, making the convention 100% fluid, interesting and keeping the audience always attentive, engaged and involved.
All the presentations were theatricalized, represented by the people in charge, who used a casual, close, attractive language and we added games, questions, voting, etc. so that the audience participated in a dynamic, very effective way and felt part of it.
After 2 intense months of interviews (3 rounds with each one) all the scripts and "virtual scenarios" were ready. Each business unit presented from a " room of the house " (totally created ad hoc from scratch) so that it seemed that they were really inside: the Sales Director welcomed from the hall, the dairy manager spoke from the kitchen, the coffee manager from the living room, the child nutrition manager from the baby's room... There was only one room that could NOT be accessed... where the Sales Director said that he kept the most important thing, a treasure...
And with this in mind, it was obvious that the set up of the room had to be innovative, surprising and simply, coherent. So, we forgot about the school format, or banquet, or theater or cabaret... and we created the "house" format: soft sofas, armchairs, chaise longes, low tables, lamps, plants... arranged in mini lounges, just like at home, were waiting for you on your arrival and invited you to settle in during the 5 hours of the convention!
Sitting with colleagues on a sofa is different... it invites to conversation, to get to know each other better, to chat with each other...

But we didn't want them to be too comfortable and still so as to fall asleep... We all know what happens when you sit on an extra comfortable sofa, the lights go out and the "TV" (screen) comes on... so we arranged that every 3 presentations... everyone would participate in a "game of chairs": while the music was playing they had to move around the room in all directions and when it was turned off, they had to sit in that specific place! With this, we got to know each other better and better and everything was dynamic and even fun.
Creativity, innovation, excellence, proximity, technology and sustainability were the pillars of the convention.
The first 4 were achieved with a) the storytelling of the house, b) the set up of the room and the staging, c) the attention to detail and d) the interaction.
For technology to be present, demonstrating that its role brings a lot of value, and generating sympathy towards it (sometimes it is scary because it is so complex), we created "NIDA", the virtual assistant (like "alexaa", bu inspired by the "nest" of the Nestlé logo) who played a relevant role, constantly intervening from "the heights" during the presentations, always providing solutions, ideas, data etc.., so that they could see that it can really help them in their day-to-day work and that it will make them feel able to be more agile, efficient and reliable.

Between couch changes, watching the theatrical presentations, the master of ceremonies who set a good pace, "NIDA" surprising, the interactions with the cell phone, and the big "wave" of everyone... the convention flew by. They made a great closing betting on a magical moment and at the end... the Sales Director invited everyone to step on the gas, alluding to the "Hammer time" (time to give it all to the maximum), inviting them to enjoy the new stage, the new challenges and discovering to everyone what was in the closed room... He opened the door and suddenly... they all saw themselves projected on the big screen. Representing that they were the best of the "house", the treasure he referred to at the beginning: the team.
And as such, it was time to have a good time together. A giant foosball table with 30 rows was waiting for them at the "entrance of the house" where there was also a photo booth, a homemade cocktail bar with their products, a 20x7 "TV" where they could watch a concert and a snack based on their new star products.

There was time to go to the gym, to take care of yourself, and to dress up (in a "smart casual" way... like when you go to see your family or friends and you want them to see you well... but without formalities) and again... we wanted to surprise them.
We turned the living room of the day into the dining room of the house, we arranged long tables, we took care of all the details to make them feel welcome and we let them contribute and help, placing napkins, or glasses or even the bread baskets... like when you go to friends' houses.
And the menu prepared by the chef was the star of the night: 100% sustainable, with km0 products, seasonal, served only in reusable materials...and clearly innovative, because he incorporated recipes that he made AD HOC, using the new products of the healthiest line of Nestlé, to version ideal recipes that served as inspiration.
And while they enjoyed the menu, the acknowledgements were made. Like when you announce something to your friends or family at Christmas. With the sound of "Clink clink clink" with the glasses, the person in charge of the unit announced the prize, then the winner, and everyone applauding, accompanied the winner to the stage, living his most magical moment, surrounded by the applause of his colleagues.
A local band, very fashionable and also well known for offering solidarity concerts, started them dancing, topping off the night a great DJ, who left almost all the champions exhausted, who gave it all until 4 in the morning!

Sustainability, understood at 360º, was present in all aspects:
Inclusion, among other things, based on hiring staff with disabilities who, as always, demonstrated their HIGH COMPETENCE.
Care for the planet by including all possible sustainable practices to reduce the carbon footprint (which they then offset): sustainable mobility, reusable bamboo room keys, zero single-use plastic policy, zero waste (nothing was built or destroyed for the convention), many materials were given a second life, sustainable catering, the principles of the circular economy were applied.
Caring for people: taking care of them, giving them time to train, rest, eat healthy and well and at the end... donating all the products to a local NGO (need-ü), to demonstrate with facts, besides words, their big bet and commitment to legacy, impact and sustainability.
In the client's words, the convention received the highest score in recent years and what's more, convention and party got similar scores, which shows how much they enjoyed it on both sides.
Thanks to the great Nestlé team for betting, trusting and getting involved to the maximum, making it a real team work, side by side, enjoying the preparation and execution, encouraging and respecting each other, despite the hundreds of changes that made everything better.
Thanks to the suppliers, who as always, gave us their best version and thanks to the team and everyone involved, for their commitment, dedication, ideas, solutions and so many hours of creativity, passion and fun.